Authentic change occurs when we commit ourselves to sound teaching and because of this we believe that Sunday School is a vital part of our church. At St. Paul’s Bible Church, we are committed to serving our people by offering an adult Sunday morning class that connects the truths of the Gospel to everyday life. After all, changing lives is what the Gospel is all about.
We are currently going through a study together called "Treasuring Christ". |
At St. Paul's Bible Church, we believe that God has designed us to need each other in order to live for Christ as we should.
Small Groups typically consist of 6-12 members who meet together on a regular basis on various nights of the week. Groups are led by a Small Group facilitator to stimulate discussion and real life application of God’s Word. The groups have flexibility to plan social and ministry events, making the time together much more than another church meeting. |
Prayer is a very significant part in the life of a believer. At St. Paul’s Bible Church we want to see people develop a vibrant prayer life and experience the joy of communicating with our Heavenly Father. Prayer is a regular part of every activity that takes place at St. Paul’s, but each Saturday morning is a special occasion where believers are invited to gather as a church body to thank God, intercede for others and petition the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” We meet at 8:00am pray together for about an hour.